Rehabilitation Veterinarian

2 weeks ago

Full time rehabilitation veterinarian role for our company. The normal working days of the Company are from Tuesday to Saturday 10am-6.30pm and Sunday 9am-1pm. You will be required to work a total of up to 42 hours a week.

Your duties include the following:
Preparation for Consultation: Reviewing medical notes and intake forms before each consultation ensures that you're well-informed about the pet's medical history and the client's concerns, allowing you to provide the best possible advice during the consultation.
Active Listening and Communication: Listening attentively to clients' concerns and effectively communicating clinical findings and treatment plans are essential for building trust and ensuring client satisfaction. Tailoring the plan to accommodate the client's limitations and educating them on how to care for their pet's disability demonstrates empathy and fosters a collaborative approach to pet care.
Avoiding Overselling: Recommending only necessary services and retail items based on the pet's needs reflects integrity and professionalism. It prioritizes the well-being of the pet over profit and maintains the clinic's reputation for ethical practices.
Timely Documentation: Completing clinical notes within five days of the consultation ensures accurate record-keeping and compliance with professional standards. It also facilitates continuity of care and collaboration with other healthcare providers involved in the pet's treatment.
Follow-Up Conversations:Offering follow-up conversations via WhatsApp group ensures ongoing support for clients and allows for clarification of any concerns or questions that may arise after the consultation. Delegating follow-up tasks to the administrative assistant helps streamline communication and ensures that no client is left without proper support.
Maintaining Cleanliness and Tidiness:Keeping the workplace clean and organized creates a welcoming environment for clients and promotes infection control and workplace safety.
Staff Training: Assisting with the training of new hires and student placements contributes to the professional development of team members and helps maintain high standards of care within the clinic.

Overall, these responsibilities reflect a commitment to providing high-quality veterinary care while prioritizing client satisfaction, ethical practices, and professional development.