ICC Specialist for Ethics and Civics in a MulticulturalWorld
4 weeks ago
The InterdisciplinaryCollaborative Core (ICC) Office at NTU Singapore oversees newcurricula focusing on key transferable skills and global challengesusing interdisciplinary approaches to learning. The rapidlychanging nature of work, compounded by the relentless speed ofinnovation, necessitates that our graduates constantly acquire newknowledge and competencies, and adapt to several career changesover their lifetimes. As forward-looking educators, we are incontinual pursuit of providing a holistic education grounded infuture-ready skills which will prepare our graduates for lifelonglearning and global citizenship.
Such aneducation needs to transcend the traditional boundaries ofdisciplines to address the nexus between theoretical and practicallearning; "hard skills" and "soft skills"; and core curriculum andco-curriculum. Hence, NTU launched a new curriculum structure in2021 to address these needs, featuring a range of InterdisciplinaryCollaborative Core (ICC) Courses.
TheInterdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office invitesapplications for a Specialist/ Senior Specialist position for acourse titled 'Ethics and Civics in aMulticultural World' at NanyangTechnological University.
This course aims toequip students with the necessary philosophical foundations tounderstand theories of ethics and subsequently apply those theoriesto real-life scenarios and issues. It also aims to enable studentsto understand and critically assess the civic institutions thatstructure their local and global communities. To these ends, thecourse will examine the nature of ethics, its understanding acrossdifferent cultures, and how it is manifested in concepts, socialstructures, and governance institutions. Topics to be exploredinclude human rights, democracy, freedom of speech and inequality.The rights and duties of citizenship shall be a unifying theme.Students will think through assumptions they hold on all thesematters. They will be provided with the tools to understand variousand even contradictory perspectives on these important issues.There will be a substantial amount of time devoted towardunderstanding Singapore's own institutions and ideologies, whichare of course products specific to the country's own uniquehistorical and geo-political circumstances. Students will havebetter appreciation of the country's institutions after reading themodule.
The hired Specialist/ Senior Specialistwill have the followingresponsibilities:
- Teachingand Facilitation: Conduct all teaching assignmentsthrough both face-to-face and virtual delivery, ensuring effectiveengagement and learning.
- CoursePlanning and Development: Develop instructional plans(course outlines/syllabi) that meet university standards, whilecontinuously designing, refining, and improving lesson plans,activities, assignments, and rubrics to enhance studentlearning.
- StudentEngagement: Foster active class discussions and ensurehigh levels of student participation and engagement throughout thecourse.
- Course Administration andCoordination: Manage administrative tasks, includingcourse evaluation, maintaining attendance records, updating onlinecourse materials, and providing academic counselling to supportstudent progress. When called upon to serve as a CourseCoordinator, the responsibilities include leading the course andoverseeing all course level administrative and policy matters toensure the smooth running of the course. Course Coordinators arealso expected to work closely and collaboratively with otherinstructors and relevantstakeholders.
- Assessment andFeedback: Conduct assessments, grade assignments, providetimely feedback, and address student consultations on both academicand non-academic matters.
- ResourceDevelopment: Create and maintain course materials andlearning resources to support and enhance student learningexperiences.
- Progress Monitoring andReporting: Provide regular updates on course performanceand student progress for reporting and strategic planningpurposes.
- TeamCollaboration: To collaborate with other staff andfaculty to maintain a positive and supportive environment for allstakeholders.
- ProfessionalConduct: Uphold values of integrity, care, respect,impact, service and partnership in all activities undertaken for,or on behalf of, NTU.
- OtherDuties: Perform additional responsibilities asassigned.
Candidates should possessthe following attributes:
- Modelingcuriosity and a passion for knowledge to inspire students and awillingness to embrace new technologies and innovativeapproaches.
- Ability to develop engaging andinteractive learning experiences and to find new ways to relateconcepts to real-world applications.
- Strongcommunication skills with the ability to clearly explain complexconcepts and instructions.
- Skilled in activelistening to understand student perspectives andconcerns.
- Have the capacity to encouragestudents to think deeply and critically about course material andto guide them through problem-solving and complexdiscussions.
- Ability to work with students aspartners in the learning process and to encourage peercollaboration and group activities inclass.
- Skilled in leading discussions andguiding group activities without dominating them to encourageactive participation, questioning, and dialogue amongstudents.
- Ability to design and manage classschedules, pre-class materials, and in-class activities and to keeptrack of student progress and providing timelyfeedback.
- Familiarity with learning managementsystems, video platforms, and collaborationtools.
- Committed to continuous improvement inteachingpractices.
Candidates with the followingqualifications are encouraged toapply:
- Masters or PhD training inphilosophy or political science or relatedfields.
- Teaching and mentoring experience.Experience with team teaching ispreferred.
- Interest and/or proficiency intechnology-enhanced learning (e.g., developing online learningactivities and assessments, creating lectures to be streamedonline).
- Ability to work in ateam.
- A demonstrated potential for scholarshipis an advantage.
- This position is best suitedfor those with prior relevantexperience.
Salaryis competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefitpackage.
The closing date forapplications is 30 April 2025. Only shortlistedcandidates will be notified. Applicants are invited to submit theirapplications (cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements,and Google Scholar citation report ifavailable).
Hiring Institution: NTU
Singapore NTU (Nanyang Technology University- Main Office-HR) Full timeYoung and research intensive, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is ranked among the world's top universities.The Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office at NTU Singapore oversees new curricula focusing on key transferable skills and global challenges using interdisciplinary approaches to learning. The rapidly changing...
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